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File Transfer

In english

Product images, marketing message & safety data sheet

High quality product images and accurate product data at Martin & Servrera is essential for listing and our joint sales. Once you have submitted an article via Dabas, Validoo or Excel VCD with us as the recipient, it is time to send in the product image.
Here is how you send us your product images via file transfer, either with WeTransfer or Sprend.

Files that are up to 2Gb large can be transferred through WeTransfer free of charge, it's an easy alternative to use when you want to send multiple images. No account is necessary.

  1. Make sure that you've followed the instructions on the previous page to prepare your images.
  2. Compress all the image files to a Zipped folder.
  3. Go to https://wetransfer.com/ or Sprend.
  4. Add the zipped folder containing your images.
  5. Fill in productimages@martinservera.se in the 'Email to' field.
  6. Write your own e-mail address and what images you're sending in the 'Message' field.
  7. Done!

More informtion

In english

Product images, marketing message & safety data sheet

High quality product images and accurate product data at Martin & Servrera is essential for listing and our joint sales. Once you have submitted an article via Dabas, Validoo or Excel VCD with us as the recipient, it is time to send in the product image.

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